Achievement Awards
Application Postmark Deadline - November 2, 2024
Audition Date - Saturday, November 23, 2024
Honors Recitals - Sunday, November 24, 2024
Moravian University Music & Arts Building, Bethlehem, PA
The Achievement Awards Auditions were initiated over 30 years ago by our association for the purpose of providing students — of all performance levels — with a confidence-building preparation and performance opportunity, an evaluation by a qualified adjudicator, and the privilege of performing in an Honors Recital upon receiving a Superior Plus rating from the adjudicator.
The list of Teacher Codes for this event is at the bottom of this webpage. If you are new to this event, contact the chairperson for a Teacher Code assignment. See "Creating Your Student Numbers" below for more information.
Required Repertoire:
Two memorized pieces of contrasting periods and styles. See Rules and Regulations for repertoire guidelines.​
Local Rules and Regulations:
Musical Theatre Category: Two contrasting pieces. Music from Disney movies is permitted.
All repertoire performed must be appropriate for all ages and audiences. Lyrics may not include any direct or indirect references to drugs, alcohol, violence, sex, include any foul language, or any other subject / topic the committee deems inappropriate. The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any piece. The committee reserves the right to accept or reject any piece. The committee's decision is final. It is the submitting teacher's responsibility to ensure all music is appropriate Please make sure that the pieces are age-appropriate / G-rated. We have young listeners in our recital audiences.
$17.00 per student (non-refundable).
Certificate, ribbon, and rating sheet.
Invitation to perform in the Honors Recital if a Superior Plus rating is earned.
Instrumental and piano students receiving five, and vocal students three, Superior Plus ratings IN THE SAME INSTRUMENT/VOICE (not necessarily in consecutive years) will be awarded a plaque from the Lehigh Valley Music Teachers Association.
Please note the date of the Honors Recital above.
Specific time requests must be indicated on the application form. No changes will be made after the postmark deadline.
Levels A and B are limited to one method book piece.
Pieces should have musical value and show some expression.
Pieces should be at least 16 measures in length without repeats. See Rules and Regulations for further instructions.
Teachers submit the following by the Postmark Deadline:
One Application for each student.
One Judge's Rating Sheet for each student. (See below.)
A roster of student applicants listed in alphabetical order complete with the student number (see below).
One check for the total fees made payable to Lehigh Valley Music Teachers Association.
For more information, contact Martha Schrempel, chair; marthaks@ptd.net , 610-391-0290.
Creating Your Student Numbers:
Teachers are to assign a student number to each application, i.e., teacher code -1, teacher code -2, teacher code -3, etc. Refer to the Application Checker List below to determine teacher code and to whom you will send your AAA Registration materials.