About Us
Lehigh Valley Music Teachers Association (LVMTA)
The LVMTA is one of 500 local affiliates of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA). Our Lehigh Valley Chapter welcomes private studio, school, and college music teaching professionals into its membership. Our association with the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association (PMTA) and the MTNA enables the teachers in our diverse organization to take advantage of the following opportunities:
Member collaboration and networking
Student performances in recitals, auditions and master classes
Continuing education for members at workshops, master classes, and state/national conferences
Student field trips
Summer music camp scholarship assistance to students
Scholarship competition for senior students continuing music study at college
Memberships in MTNA and PMTA are prerequisites to membership in LVMTA.
Our Mission
To organize all music teachers in the Lehigh Valley into one professional society.
To promote public recognition of the value of music education.
To develop the potential of members and their students.
To encourage, inspire, and assist students in their study and enjoyment of music.
Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
Because of the solidarity inherent in the music-teaching profession, membership with MTNA is accompanied by invaluable privileges and advantages. For the lifetime of your career, it's an investment in crucial musical commodities like continuing education, career development, peer recognition, and networking programs-all designed specifically for you.
Founded in 1876 by Theodore Presser in Delaware, Ohio, MTNA currently serves 25,000 independent music teachers committed to the pursuit of excellence in music teaching. For well over a century, MTNA has been the backbone for a collaborative community of music-teaching professionals, connecting both the seasoned educator and those at the beginning of their career. Membership with MTNA does more than simply complement your career as a music professional—it supports, supplements and shapes it. It empowers music teachers nationwide to become better educators through networking, leadership, mentoring, and educational opportunities.
​Pennsylvania Teachers Association (PMTA)
PMTA is a state affiliate of the MTNA. PMTA, and its local chapters seek to promote the professional growth and development of its members and to further the art of music by providing programs that encourage and support teaching, performance, composition, and scholarly research.
The PMTA Professional Teacher Referral Service is provided as a convenience to match available teachers with available students. The teachers listed in this database are active members in good standing of PMTA. However, the information in the teacher profiles is provided solely by the teacher listed and is no way verified by PMTA. Listing on the service does not imply recommendation by PMTA, and no screening or background check has been done on any of the listed teachers. Users of our service are advised to rely upon their own best judgment when selecting a teacher and should be aware that PMTA assumes no liability for the outcome of music lessons acquired as a result of using this service.
For questions about membership, contact Janice Derstine at jdvoice@ptd.net.